DRAUFFischem at Bel Taimpel
The two local improvisation actors, Lorenzo Polin & Daniel Neuhaus (both part of the IMPRO troupe «DRAUFFischem PLUS+» for a long time) bring their well-stocked improvisation backpack with them and let the audience influence what is offered by giving them various instructions. Be there when the Bel Taimpel (beautiful temple) really lets the show off and count the individual games: 5-4-3-2-1-DRAUFF!
The improvisation games, which are based on very specific rules, are explained before each round of the game. To impressively demonstrate that the content is really improvised, the audience can give various inputs, such as a place, an activity, a hobby, a taboo, a name, etc.
The actors have to take these instructions and integrate them into the respective game, deal with them and thus solve their already difficult task in an even more complicated way. When failure on stage makes you laugh. If it IS going to go wrong, then that is “the magic of improv”…