Book presentation: The art of self-motivation


16 October 2024

Theatre Hall, Hotel Reine Victoria, St. Moritz

Co-author Jens-Uwe Martens in conversation with Carmen Cornelia Haselwanter

Who hasn't experienced this? You decide to do something, e.g. to eat healthier, smoke less or no longer, do more sport, look after your friends more, spend less time on social media or in front of the TV - and after a few weeks or months you realise: everything has stayed the same, you haven't achieved any of the goals you set for yourself, you haven't implemented any of your resolutions, you're still the same old you. The "inner demon" has won again. But there are people who actually achieve such personal goals, who decide to change their lives and simply do it. This usually not only has a positive effect on their health, these people are also much happier in the long term, with themselves and the world, they are more successful, they are simply happier.

What is the difference between these two groups? Can you learn to achieve your personal goals? The practitioner, consultant, book author Dr. Jens-Uwe Martens and the respected scientist Prof. Dr. Julius Kuhl have got to the bottom of this question. Not only were they able to explain the phenomenon of the "inner demon" and how to tame it, they also found a number of very practical measures to achieve this. The result of the collaboration between science and practice was a somewhat different, scientifically based guide that enables the reader to escape from the role of victim of circumstances and become the designer of their destiny and their life.

The author Jens-Uwe Martens will be interviewed by Carmen Cornelia Haselwanter, an expert in self-motivation and empowerment, at the launch of the book. The speakers will be available to answer questions from the audience after the interview.